Murphy Oil USA address map and hours:
We have information about cheap gas, diesel fuel for cars and the top truck stops in Clinton, Mississippi, including Murphy Oil USA.
Murphy Oil USA listings in Clinton, Mississippi
Murphy Oil USA
948 HWY 80 E.,
(601) 925-9661
Find Murphy Oil USA in Clinton, MS
- Sun: 6:30A - 11:30P
- Mon: 6:00A - 11:30P
- Tue: 6:00A - 11:30P
- Wed: 6:00A - 11:30P
- Thu: 6:00A - 11:30P
- Fri: 6:00A - 12:30A
- Sat: 6:30A - 12:30A
- Store Hours : Sun
- Services : atm,additech